The flyers are starting to roll in (nice).

Here's a more or less complete listing of the shows:
Fri May 4 Los Angeles, CA @ Pehrspace, 325 Glendale Blvd, w/ Abe Vigoda & Anchors for Architects $5 all-agesSat May 5 San Diego, CA @ Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave, w/ The Atoms 21+Sun May 6 (open)Mon May 7 Mexicali, Mexico @ details forthcomingTue May 8 Sacramento, CA @ Fools Foundation, 19th & K Streets, w/ TBA $5 members/$7 non, all-agesWed May 9 Chico, CA? w/ Nothing People?Thurs May 10 Portland, OR @ Slabtown 1033 NW 16th Ave w/ Meercaz & Reptilian Civilian 21+Sat May 11 Vancouver, BC, Canada @ Pub 340, 340 Cambie St. w/ Arthrose Aujourd'huiSat May 12 Seattle, WA @ Funhouse 206 5th Ave N. w/ A Frames, Nice Smile 21+Sun May 13 Olympia, WA @ Le Voyeur w/ Charming Snakes + 1 TBAMon May 14 Seattle, WA @ SS Marie Antoinette, 1235 Westlake, w/ Talbot Tagora & Coconut Coolouts, all-agesTue May 15 day offWed May 16 Portland, OR @ Artistery 4315 SE Division St. w/ Eat Skull (members of Hospitals), all-agesThurs May 17 Oakland, CA @ 21 Grand, 416 25th St., w/ Red Nurse & Pets, all-agesFri May 18 San Francisco, CA @ Hemlock Tavern, 1131 Polk St., w/ Nice Smile $7 21+Sat May 19 Davis, CA @ DAM Haus, 503 E Street, w/ Nothing People & Nice Smile, 7:00 food/7:30 music $$DONATE$$ all-agesSun May 20 Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo, 1822 W Sunset Blvd, "Part Time Punks" night w/ Glass Candy, Under 21 $8/21+ free before 10:30 & $5 afterwards
Yeah, that's a big chunk of text. My bad. Hopefully I'll be able to do some on the spot reporting, like a real deal Fox 2 Problemsolver, or a Channel 7 Defender.
That's that,
PS: I think that Mexicali date is wrong, I think it's Sunday May Sixth. Ah well.