As I was cleaning out the old Saturn to trade-in (no worries, I have a new one, Saturn Boyz 4 Life, as they say), I found an old roll of b&w film. It took a long time and cost a pretty penny (Jeers: CVS on 10 Mile and Southfield!) to develop. Only a couple of photos survived. These photos are old, old. I'm guessing 2000, maybe older. Anywoo, here's another random batch...
Kevin Boyer and the Noise Matt Z. Dan Fargo
That's that, Joe
PS: How did Matt Z go from scowly looking De Niro to this? :
Matt couldn't play this show because of a "raking" accident. Is that what they're calling self-abuse nowadays? Anyways, they also had only one guitar amp. Hendrik filled in on drums for a couple songs.
I'm in the very long process of whittling down 10 hours of useless footage on my way to producing a reasonable facsimile of a "tour movie". Along the way, I find i'm able to piece together a few scant whiffs of memories. Also I'm able to tell from how much the camera shakes whether I was in the cups at that time. It's a fun game. Here's a few clippos:
This is from the show in Mexicali, Mexico. We probably were in Mexico for less that five hours, yet it felt a lifetime (in a good sorta way). Matt Z was filming this. I was still jumpy at this point about filming the shows. I never wanted to be one of those butt-holes that push up front and act like they're videotapping the best Ratt show ever. I was also jumpy because I have never been to a foreign country before (Canada don't count). My unfortunate education in movies had me believing the night would end in a shallow grave, sans kidney, with some sort of veneral disease and a bad case of the poo poos. I was foolish. The bar itself, the Berlin 77, was pretty cool. The patrons seemed to favor The Smiths, Depeche Mode, and New Order on their jukebox. No fooling. Cheveu had a good show. Tyvek show was good too. There wasn't a mike stand present at the time, so Kevin had to sing through a mike duct taped to a stripper pole. Ha ha. Mexicali was a good town to experience Mexico. It seemed pretty straight up and down.